I am the Head of School for the Lower School at Keith Country Day School, and am here with a big SHOUT OUT to Chartwell, our marketing partner at Keith for many years. Often, due to budget constraints, schools try to do everything in house – from marketing, to finance, to human resources. However, we have found that the return on our investment is beyond generative related to our partnerships for domains outside of teaching and learning. Chartwell has unmatched expertise in education marketing – everything from executing and providing data analytics for our social media campaigns, to support with communication related to important messages for stakeholders, to an overall marketing strategy and plan, to crisis management, Chartwell is our partner! We have grown in every way over the past few years, even during the challenges of COVID and the economy in our region, and we attribute a significant part of this growth to our partnership with Chartwell. As a school leader, partnering with Chartwell affords me the opportunity to have the best quality marketing in the region, and more time for me to focus on the important work of leading the school in the domains where I have expertise in my field. If you are a school leader seeking to grow your enrollment, while managing to have time to lead your school, Chartwell is the partner for you!

Dr. Annie Baddoo

Head of Lower School | Keith Country Day School