Strategic Facilitation


Quad City Bank & Trust


Financial Services

Our Expertise:

Facilitation & Training

Quad City Bank & Trust (QCBT) is the largest bank in the Quad Cities, having earned a strong reputation for great, personal customer service. Its roots as a small community bank are still reflected in its approach to customers, despite the growth of its portfolio of services and assets. Part of the QCR holding company, QCBT thoughtfully cultivates strategic goals for its unique market while realizing initiatives identified by the larger family of institutions.


An existing strategic plan for the organization outlined goals, strategies and potential tactics targeted for five targeted audiences – employees, clients, shareholders, community and regulators. While the document served as a solid foundation for strategic conversations, QCBT wanted to revise the plan with a more inclusive process. By involving multiple layers of the organization, QCBT hoped to enhance clarity around strategic goals, ensure actionable strategies, and solicit early participation in identifying opportunities and making goals a reality.

Additionally, QCBT sought to address its fundamental brand position in the Quad Cities region. With a long and proud tradition driving a solid customer base, QCBT leadership saw opportunities to improve the organization’s overall brand awareness, starting with internal messaging. Thoughtfully shaping an organizational message and developing marketing around that refreshed message drives operational excellence and enhances awareness in the community and beyond.

Chartwell conducted a full-day strategic planning session which allowed all levels of the organization to participate in the process to develop clearly articulated goals that align with QCBT strategic objectives. Additionally, the organization defined a consistent message that that was internalized and translated by any member of the QCBT team. Message training also was provided to senior leadership members to help them understand and share the unique brand proposition and promise upon which the entire organization must deliver.


Not only did staff enjoy the process of participating directly in strategic planning, the results from both the strategic planning and messaging sessions created enthusiasm among team members, helped align priorities across departments, and provided a clear direction. The team took the work from the facilitated strategic planning session and continue to refine their strategic plan and reporting structures with the insight gathered.