Designing in These Times

At the beginning of March 2020, most of our clients were in full swing with their Q2 marketing programs and plans. Messaging and creative were developed and ready to rock ‘n’ roll. We were heading into the fun advertising seasons of spring…
BioForward Wisconsin media interviews on 3 monitors

Chartwell Agency Hired by BioForward Wisconsin to Manage Public Relations

Chartwell Agency, an award-winning public relations and marketing firm, was recently hired by BioForward Wisconsin, the voice of the state’s biohealth industry, to orchestrate and implement its public relations and social media efforts. BioForward…
healthcare marketing

Healthcare Marketing FAQs: COVID Edition

Our last Chartwell Agency Lunch Bites webinar focused on answering many common questions we received throughout the series, but also on questions we have heard from clients and colleagues around how to manage marketing during the COVID-19 pandemic.…
marketing takeaways

Marketing Takeaways from a Webinar Superfan

As the chat room moderator for our Lunch Bites series, I had a front-row seat for the last five weeks as we dove into dealing with the coronavirus pandemic, its effects on marketing organizations, and how we can all plan for the future. These…
making it work

Making it Work

As of this moment, we’re living through an unprecedented economic crisis. History has no comparable lessons from which we can learn, so we’re all navigating through uncharted territory together. We’re also dealing with loss – loss of…

Post-COVID-19 Marketing: A Paradigm Shift in Approach

With more than 40 days of stay-at-home orders under our belt for most of the country, and a majority of businesses either closed – or at the very least, doing business in a new way – clouds are beginning to shift from “how to conduct…