Entries by Jason Edlen

2019 Design Trends

Ring out the old and bring in the new… or is it everything old is new again? Regardless it’s a brand-new year and a fresh start. It’s always an exciting time for designers because we get to see the predictions of what the hot new trends for the year may be.


The Importance of Print

In this day and age of increased consumption of information through digital media, the importance and relevance of print media always seems to be in question. As a multi-channel marketing firm, Chartwell is always looking at our client’s communications needs and the best outlets for their message. We strive toward balancing old and new media. […]

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Healthcare and Color

Here at Chartwell Agency we have a strong focus on the Healthcare industry. One area where we have a long relationship and seasoned expertise in is the independent and assisted living segment. As a designer, this segment presents a unique set of visual challenges. In particular, color. Recently we started the process of a brand […]


The puzzle of communications.

I think one of the greatest lessons I have learned as a creative is that what I do for a living is more than making things look good. It goes way beyond the subjective realm of aesthetics. It’s all very well to make something visually attractive but if it’s all glitz and no substance, you […]


It’s not them. It’s you (your brand).

What do you do if you feel you have tried everything to connect to your customer and they still aren’t interested? How do you make them like you? It’s them, right, not you?   Maybe . . .   People relate to people not brands per se. They connect to the emotional and aspirational side […]