Continue to Prioritize Relationships This Year
Blog, Facilitation and Training, Reputation Management
Marketers, like everyone else, have seen a lot of change over the course of the last six months. While strategies, tactics, and budgets have had to be flexible, one thing should have remained at the top of the priority list – relationships.
Six Tips for a Great Retreat
Blog, Facilitation and TrainingRecently, Chartwell closed for the day for our quarterly retreat. We hold them regularly, each one with a particular focus. Instead of just looking at a retreat as a day off work as many people do, I always find myself mentally exhausted but…
Training as a Perk? Absolutely!
Blog, Facilitation and TrainingToday, millennials make up a larger percentage of our workforce than any other generation, so it’s no wonder that HR professionals and business leaders are interested in learning more about what makes this group of knowledge workers tick.…
Inconsistent Messaging Costs Money
Blog, Facilitation and Training, MarketingIf a client asked about your message, would your CEO give a similar answer as a front-line person? Not necessarily word for word but would the gist of it be the same? Would everyone at the front desk even give a similar answer? If the answer…
Plan on Sharing Your Message in New Ways
Blog, Facilitation and Training, Public RelationsRecently, I was asked to speak to a history class about a play I am directing. Being a history buff, I enjoy any opportunity to share stories about earlier times and the parallels that can be drawn between then and now. However, this also was…
Top Takeaways for Winning Marketing Plays
Blog, Facilitation and Training, Marketing
The Super Bowl is always a hot topic here at Chartwell. Not for what did or did not happen during the game but for the commercials. We’ll save the discussion of the halftime show for another time. We all have our favorites and the ones that…
Target Audience: Make Sure You’re Hitting the Bullseye
Blog, Facilitation and Training, MarketingWhen marketing your organization, it’s important to have a strategy for your marketing audience – both who they are and where they’re located. The best approach is to have a multi-platform strategy that reaches your target audience on…
The Awesome Adventure of Planning for the Year Ahead
Blog, Facilitation and TrainingSome of us relish this time of the year: strategic planning time. Like children anticipating and hoping for what may be under the tree on Christmas morning, we entrepreneurs look forward to the endless possibilities of the year ahead. For us,…
Accountability is Key to Any Organization
Blog, Facilitation and TrainingAccountability is the key to the health of any organization. According to Forbes, it helps strengthen culture, ensures ownership, builds trust, sets expectations, achieves common goals and helps define the mission. Recently, I was fortunate…
Shaping a personal brand.
Blog, Facilitation and TrainingBranding is the art of shaping a perception – helping others think, know and feel something. We’re used to associating brands with companies, but the importance of personal branding is a relatively new concept. While big names like Oprah…