Dress Up Your Marketing Strategy for Halloween


Well, it wouldn’t be October if I didn’t write a Halloween themed blog. I had such a sweet time writing “If Your Marketing Strategies Were Halloween Candy,” and a killer time drafting, “Is Your Marketing Plan Straight Out of a Horror Movie,” I figured I would take a stab at another. This time I will share some great marketing best practices for 2021 (and beyond) using Halloween costumes.


The skeleton is a popular Halloween costume and used widely during Halloween for decorating. Your bones or skeleton serves as a support system for the body and without it, well you wouldn’t be able to do much of anything. Before you begin developing a marketing plan, you will need a solid framework in place. Don’t be fragile, ensure you get off on the right foot by developing a plan strong and flexible enough to withstand any fracture.

Movie Star

Dressing up as a movie star has been a favored Halloween choice for decades. Like a good actor, it’s crucial to know your audience before you begin the act. Your organization can develop buyer personas, conduct surveys, or even use social media insights to learn about your audience. In addition, identifying and understanding your target market and their needs will help you determine which tactics to take to the stage.

Harry Potter

While I have never read a Harry Potter novel, just the sheer popularity of the books – and the fact that the characters continue to be in-demand costumes during the Halloween season – tells me that J.K. Rowling knows how to tell a good story. At Chartwell, we tell all of our clients that developing their message and narrative about their organization should be a priority. Telling stories helps you connect with your audience, and if done right, become memorable pieces of content that will have your clients or customers thinking of you when they need a product or service.


Whether it’s the smilingface, kissing face, laugh-cry face (my favorite), face palm person, or an object such as a heart, kids and adults alike are seen each year dressed as the popular social media character. If you are not using social media in your marketing plan, you should start. A social strategy allows you to share different messages with different audiences using different mediums across many different platforms. While social media does utilize your time and resources, it’s a cost-effective way to market your organization. I will 😊 to that!

Trending Costume

This year’s popular options are likely to include characters from Squid Game, The Mandalorian, and Among Us and next year it will be something different. In marketing, it’s important to stay on top of the trends and be aware of what the “next big thing” in marketing will be so you can be relevant and stay ahead of the competition. While every trendy marketing strategy may not be for you, it’s still great to be aware as it may be something you can use in the future as your organization grows and evolves.

If your organization needs support dressing up your marketing plan, give Chartwell Agency a call.