• BioForward Wisconsin media interviews on 3 monitors

Public/Media Relations


BioForward Wisconsin



Our Expertise:

Strategic Facilitation
Message Development
Public/Media Relations

BioForward Wisconsin serves as the voice of the biohealth industry in Wisconsin. It provides value to its more than 200 diverse member partners representing biotech, biopharma, medical device, diagnostics, digital health, research institutions and service providers. BioForward directly supports members through networking, education, and advocacy; promotes the biohealth cluster in Wisconsin; and connects the movers and shakers in biohealth to advance important work that benefits people all over the world.

BioForward was interested in working with a partner to enhance its visibility on the national stage, positioning the state as a powerhouse of biohealth innovation and collaboration. Additional goals included sharing the attractiveness of the region to attract talent and enhancing awareness of BioForward and its member organizations.


Chartwell conducted a strategic facilitation to develop a strong, shared message about the success, growth and potential of the state’s biohealth industry. This session identified targeted audiences and potential centers of influence and highlighted compelling motivators for each related to the mission and work of the organization and its members.

Additionally, Chartwell Agency developed an annual media relations plan identifying regional, national and industry-specific public relations opportunities appropriate for reaching BioForward Wisconsin’s targeted audiences. This also included a corresponding social media plan to ensure information is shared among – and beyond – the immediate BioForward Wisconsin community.


Within just a few weeks, Chartwell Agency secured articles/interviews within the region for BioForward Wisconsin leadership and its members. Chartwell excels in developing new, untapped relationships for clients, which led to confirmed guest columns and regional/national award/recognition opportunities for members. Momentum will continue to build with BioForward Wisconsin and its member to provide additional and higher-level opportunities.