Integrated Marketing Campaign
Rock River Valley Blood Center
Our Expertise:
Digital Media
The Rock River Valley Blood Center is the only provider of blood and blood products for 10 hospitals in northern Illinois and southern Wisconsin. The center relies on a minimum of 700 volunteer blood donors per week to ensure that the right blood type is available at the right time for local patients whose lives depend on it.
Chartwell Agency partnered with the blood center to develop a new campaign message, create a complementary, authentic advertising campaign, and coordinate a rollout to benefit the organization. The blood center’s goals include recruiting first-time donors to give at fixed locations and mobile drives, encouraging first-time or current donors to become more frequent donors, and reinforcing the importance of donation through personal connections.
The resulting Give as if his/her life depends on it … because it did campaign is patient-centered and reinforces the connection between generous donors and local patients. It also drives home that there is no substitute for blood. The campaign represents different types of patients, then tells the story of how each relies on the life-giving properties of donated blood. The headline creates a personal connection between donors and recipients while also underscoring the importance of the donation to survival.
Imagery can cross age, gender, race, and needs to educate and appeal to a variety of current and potential donors. Secondary copy can reinforce messaging around regular donation and convenience.
The campaign rollout included updating the blood center’s website and social media pages; integrated advertising through digital, print, radio and TV platforms; and for collateral such as mobile blood drive posters and donor center signage.
RRVBC leaders appreciated the personalized approach to the new campaign and the sense of urgency drawing attention to the different reasons why individuals need blood. Chartwell Agency helped RRVBC transition all advertising, social media, and collateral to represent the new marketing campaign and messages. We continue to work with blood center leaders on new ways to incorporate the campaign.
Integrated Communications Approach
Chartwell Agency’s unique approach to communications is designed to provide a specific, actionable strategy that quickly delivers results. Our plans are integrated to include social media, advertising, public relations, outreach and more.
Our communications plans are robust and integrated, incorporating public/media relations, community outreach, social media and special events.
Each client’s plan is completely customized and provides a robust approach to ensure targeted audiences receive key messages in a variety of ways to engage and encourage action.
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120 West State Street, Suite 305
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(815) 282-9976