Declare Independence from Your Desk – Get the Best Ideas by Getting Out

For those of you who work in an office, you may find yourself all too often stuck behind a desk, behind a screen and behind the ball. This self-inflicted “chained to our desk” mentality is killing our productivity and damaging our health.   At Chartwell…

Take the Time for a Mid-Year Marketing Checkup

Each year around this time it happens.  We say to ourselves – and others – where did the time go? How could it possibly be halfway through the calendar year already. Yet it is. And here we are. At Chartwell Agency, this is the time of…

A Day in the Life at Chartwell Agency

You’ve followed Chartwell Agency on social media, seen our team members at community events and perused our website to learn more about Chartwell’s expertise. You may know WHAT we do, but I want to give you a look behind the scenes of HOW…
social media

Don’t Take a Summer Break From Social Media Planning

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Break out the beach balls and sunscreen because Friday is the first official day of summer. Is that not marked with a big star on your calendar? That’s not surprising. I even checked my iPhone calendar thinking it might be listed, but it’s…

Don’t Forget Print!

It’s the season of events and you need a way to promote and communicate. In today’s world, we tend to create, send and manage a lot of events in the digital world. It’s easy, convenient, and seemingly cost effective. It’s great for things…

Holding Your Audiences’ Attention in the Age of Technology

According to Pew Research, 95 percent of Americans now own a cell phone with 77 percent of those being smartphones. And users of these devices are more distracted than ever with being able to do so many things via their phones, from responding…

Blogging is Good for Business

No matter the size of your organization or the industry you represent, blogging should be on your list of marketing to dos. The goal of your blog is simple: to bring in customers and increase sales. This is done by speaking directly to your…
your message

Inconsistent Messaging Costs Money

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If a client asked about your message, would your CEO give a similar answer as a front-line person? Not necessarily word for word but would the gist of it be the same? Would everyone at the front desk even give a similar answer? If the answer…
Company Culture

Company Culture – Questions I Really Want to Ask

We recently attended Counselor’s Academy,  a fantastic conference sponsored by PRSA which was jam-packed with valuable information for agency owners and leaders. It was an opportunity to connect with others who, like Chartwell Agency, are…

Storytelling: It’s Not Just for Books Anymore

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Once upon a time . . . It was the best of times, it was the worst of times . . . Call me Ishmael. The sun did not shine. It was too wet to play. So we sat in the house. All that cold, cold, wet day. These words always introduce a…