Repurposing Content – Working Smarter, Not Harder, for your Content Strategy
BlogWriting good content is a lot like making Thanksgiving dinner. It’s a lot of effort to prepare a good content “meal.” Then, just like that, it’s consumed by your guests in record time. Oh, and they’ll be hungry for more before you…
The Awesome Adventure of Planning for the Year Ahead
Blog, Facilitation and TrainingSome of us relish this time of the year: strategic planning time. Like children anticipating and hoping for what may be under the tree on Christmas morning, we entrepreneurs look forward to the endless possibilities of the year ahead. For us,…
Don’t silence your differentiators
Blog, MarketingIt’s not often a commercial makes me laugh, rewind and encourage others to watch.
That’s exactly what happened when I saw this ad for the Google Pixel 3, the company’s latest phone model. The ad features several shots of people trying…
Don’t Be Spooked by Adding PR To Your Budget
Blog, OtherAre you in budget mode? Getting ready to determine how you are going to allocate your 2019 marketing dollars? Don’t let the dollar signs scare you away from planning a spooktacular year ahead filled with spellbinding marketing campaigns and…
Chart Your Companies’ Course with a Message Map
BlogA strong, shared vision and corresponding message is critical to any long-term efforts to establish and build your organization’s brand, overall reputation and general awareness. Many organizations struggle to ensure employees know how to…
Logo a-go-go
Blog, MarketingDo you have a new company or product, or is your current brand looking a little less than stellar? We have clients that come to us for a variety of design needs and often it is to develop or “fix” their brand image. Too often, a brand is…
Accountability is Key to Any Organization
Blog, Facilitation and TrainingAccountability is the key to the health of any organization. According to Forbes, it helps strengthen culture, ensures ownership, builds trust, sets expectations, achieves common goals and helps define the mission. Recently, I was fortunate…
The Tradeoff on Trade Shows – How to Make Industry Events a Driver for Your Organization
BlogChartwell just returned from the 2018 Tri-State Healthcare Marketing and PR Conference (where we were also speakers) and we’re getting ready to head to the Society for Healthcare Strategy & Market Development (SHSMD) 2018 Conference in…
Don’t Let Your Company’s Crisis Make You Run for Cover
Blog, Crisis CommunicationsDuring the course of the past few weeks we’ve heard and viewed a lot of information about hurricanes. As a born and bred Midwesterner who lived in the south several years ago, when hurricanes and tropical storms devastated homes, I was intrigued…
Nike ad generates emotion and marketing lessons
Blog, MarketingMarketing has dominated headlines during the past week thanks to one ad by one major company: Nike.
The company so easily recognized for its swoosh logo, “Just Do It” tagline, shoes and apparel dropped a bombshell of a commercial last…