Are you data-driven? You should be.

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At Chartwell, we categorize our marketing expertise in to three verticals: healthcare, education, and financial/economic development, which is the team I’m on. And if the name doesn’t give it away, the financial institutions we work with…

Timeless Bank & Credit Union Marketing Trends

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Social media, blogs, community outreach, advertising, website content, video development, oh my! How can financial marketing teams today manage their time and resources to effectively attract new clients and drive growth? Hint: Less is more.…
Marvel Universe and Content Strategy

What the Marvel Universe Taught Me About Content Strategy

A Lesson in Knowing, Understanding and Growing your Audiences Show of hands - how many of you saw Spiderman: No Way Home and thought “Wow, that movie taught me so much about content strategy!”   Just me? Well ok, hear me out. As…

Marketing Resolution for 2022: More Video, Part 1

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A few years ago, Chartwell anticipated the boom in video for marketing. We prepared our clients, as well as launched our very own series of videos, to stay far ahead of the curve. Since that time, video use in marketing has exploded and shows…