movie reel trophy for Viddy award

Chartwell Agency Receives Three Viddy Awards

Chartwell Agency, an award-winning marketing firm based in northern Illinois, recently received three Viddy Awards from the Association of Marketing and Communication Professionals. Now in its 29th year, Viddy is one of the oldest, largest…

Chartwell Agency Develops New Brand and Website for SwedishAmerican Health Foundation

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Chartwell Agency, an award-winning marketing firm based in northern Illinois, recently developed a new brand and website for SwedishAmerican Health Foundation.  SwedishAmerican Health Foundation is the philanthropic giving arm of UW…
people conducting mid-year marketing review

Mid-year Marketing Review

Every year, organizations should conduct a mid-year marketing review to assess the effectiveness of their marketing strategies and refine as needed to help set up a successful second half of the year. How are you performing against competitors?…
online reputation management rating on phone

SEO and Online Reputation Management: Why Your Digital Standing Matters!

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Reputation management is vital to a business as it directly influences consumer trust and brand loyalty which ultimately affects a company’s bottom line. Did you also know that having a strong online reputation management plan in place can…