Entries by Rebecca Epperson

Six Reasons Your Business Should Embrace a Retainer Partnership with a Marketing Agency

How a Marketing Retainer Can Drive Sustainable Business Success In today’s fast-paced business world, consistency and long-term marketing strategy are key to staying ahead of the competition. An effective way to achieve this is by embracing a retainer partnership with a marketing agency. Rather than relying on one-off projects or short-term campaigns, a retainer partnership […]


Integrating Your Marketing Efforts: Garnering Better Outcomes and ROI

Much is written, discussed, and promoted about the importance of designing and implementing effective integrating marketing plans. While many businesses tout it, they are also challenged with “how” to make strategies truly work together for the best impact. Couple this challenge with the reality that organizations struggle with the inevitable internal silos, disparate budgets, as […]

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Website Best Practices for Economic Development Organizations

Recently, we did a deep dive into the country’s 25 fastest-growing communities, specifically, how their chambers and economic development organizations represented themselves through their virtual front door: their websites. While each approached their websites slightly differently, those economic development organizations that were most successful in driving interest and outcomes for their regions had similar attributes. […]


Making an Impact in the New Normal of Public Relations

As most public relations professionals know, there have been incredible changes with media in just the past few years forcing even the most experienced marketing experts to learn a new normal in pitching and securing stories. Traditional news sources have increased competition and recognize that any social media post can become viral becoming “news” in […]

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Storytelling is Vital for Economic Development Organizations

Economic development is the lifeblood to a region’s vitality and storytelling often gets a bad rap as “soft” marketing versus the more aggressive approach many ED organizations are known for overall. From chambers of commerce, economic development councils, industrial parks, associations, and municipalities and others, these organizations promote opportunities, drive investment, and share successes to […]