Chartwell Agency Wins Eight ADDY Awards

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Firm earns awards for each nomination submitted Chartwell Agency recently won eight American Advertising Awards from the American Advertising Federation (AAF) Northern Illinois. The awards recognize area businesses and organizations for…

Designing for Digital Marketing

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You’ve developed an amazing campaign. It’s going to look great in print, wow people on billboards and banners, and captivate audiences in video. It’s a big idea that’s really going to pay off. But sometimes you need to step back and…

Healthcare Marketing Plans: Five Essentials

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While healthcare marketing is unique and can be challenging, the key strategies organizations should consider in their healthcare marketing plans are much like other industries and there are several basics that all healthcare organizations…

Chartwell Super Bowl Ads Takeaways and Favorites

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It’s all about the Super Bowl ads! Some people watch the actual game, but for many of us in the marketing biz, the Super Bowl is, well, the Super Bowl of advertising. With big budgets and even bigger ideas, the world’s leading brands duke…
manages digital channels

Know Who Manages Your Digital Channels to Avoid Future Headaches

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As organizations manage multiple digital channels, including social media, websites, and analytics that all require different accounts and logins, it is vital to keep track of who can access these channels and have a contingency plan when that…

Celebrating 20 Years of Storytelling

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In 2022, Chartwell Agency will be celebrating its 20th year in business. It didn’t dawn on me until a team member mentioned it to me recently. How could that be? Didn’t I just establish PR Etc. – the precursor to our 2014 rebrand to Chartwell Agency – out of my home (at a time when working from home looked nothing like it does now)?

Are you data-driven? You should be.

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At Chartwell, we categorize our marketing expertise in to three verticals: healthcare, education, and financial/economic development, which is the team I’m on. And if the name doesn’t give it away, the financial institutions we work with…
Marvel Universe and Content Strategy

What the Marvel Universe Taught Me About Content Strategy

A Lesson in Knowing, Understanding and Growing your Audiences Show of hands - how many of you saw Spiderman: No Way Home and thought “Wow, that movie taught me so much about content strategy!”   Just me? Well ok, hear me out. As…

Marketing Resolution for 2022: More Video, Part 1

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A few years ago, Chartwell anticipated the boom in video for marketing. We prepared our clients, as well as launched our very own series of videos, to stay far ahead of the curve. Since that time, video use in marketing has exploded and shows…

Color of the Year 2022

Let’s greet the new year with a periwinkle and a smile. The color of the year is here! Very Peri! A fresh, energetic periwinkle to usher in, hopefully, a more optimistic year. This projected color will start to become influential and present…