Cooking Up Successful Marketing

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One of the many things close friends and family know about me is that I love to cook and bake. A lot. I spend many of my weekends planning what to make for the week ahead for my family. When life is normal, one of my most favorites things to do is host dinner parties.
NI ReACH website design on 2 monitors

Chartwell Agency Completes Rebrand, New Website for NI ReACH

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Chartwell Agency recently completed the rebrand, including a new website, for Northern Illinois Regional Affordable Community Housing (NI ReACH). NI ReACH, the new name for Winnebago County Housing Authority, was established in 1940 and…

Pandemic and Politics and its Impact on Media Relations

There is no doubt, the pandemic and politics have significantly influenced American media. Turn on primetime news and read the headlines in your local newspaper. You are guaranteed to hear about the pandemic and polarized politics. But don’t…

It’s Our First Vlog!

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Welcome to 2021 and congratulations on making it through 2020. If we haven’t said it lately, thank you for taking time to visit our website and check out our blog. Hello to all the new visitors out there. If you’ve been here before, this particular blog might look a little different (spoiler – it’s the video).

Your Logo is More Than Just a Font

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We do a lot of brand work here at Chartwell Agency, and that includes refreshing an organization’s existing logo or designing a new logo altogether for a business. Regardless of the end goal, we always start with a thorough discussion…

Public Relations Strategies: Get Off the Backburner and in Front of Your Clients

When the storm of COVID-19 restrictions started, many companies battened down the hatches and reduced marketing budgets. Organizations asked their marketing teams to do more with less. More traditional strategies like public relations were…

Begin with the End in Mind (or – How the Heck Do I Plan for 2021?)

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Each year around this time, individuals from all levels of an organization gather to discuss the goals and budgets for the year ahead. For many who hunkered down to do this last fall, it’s almost laughable to think how the significant…
marketing award Marcom

Chartwell Agency Earns Six International Marketing Awards

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Chartwell Agency recently earned six MarCom Awards, including two Platinum – the highest honors, for marketing efforts on behalf of its clients. The MarCom Awards is an international creative competition which recognizes outstanding achievement…

Plan For The Unplanned In Healthcare

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The COVID-19 pandemic has both underscored the importance of healthcare and challenged it in unexpected ways this year. Many hospitals and health systems were full of COVID patients and struggling with procuring personal protective equipment…
Group doing a postmortem

The Importance of Project Postmortems

Some of our favorite Halloween movies feature zombies coming back from the dead and creepy cemetery scenes. In the spirit of the season, I want to stress how important postmortems are for your marketing projects. The goal for these autopsy…